Sunday, February 3, 2013

Moving In the Direction of Your Focus

As I mentioned in an earlier post I have been taking part in Chalene Johnson's "30 Day Challenge to Master Organization and Achieve Your Goals I know some of you may poo-poo these types of personal development programs, but if you want to engage in one that is simply down the earth, easy to apply and makes sense, I would encourage you to take Chalene's Challenge.  

Day #27 focused on Destination Fixation.  The analogy Chalene used was great.  When you're riding a bicycle or driving a car and you turn your head to look at something, what happens?  The vehicle moves in the direction of your focus.  The point being that we have to look past the challenges and obstacles in our immediate view and focus on the larger goal towards which we are moving.  You can't be distracted by the sticks, the potholes, the bunny running across the street.  Odds are you will wipe out or crash and not get to your final destination.  The same is true with the larger goals you are trying to achieve.  Whether it is losing 50 pounds or trying to compete in a road race or fitness competition, you have to continue to move in the direction that takes you towards your goal.


Chalene Johnson 30 Day Challenge:
Image Credit:

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