Monday, February 25, 2013

March Challenge Prep: Kettlebell Swing

Yes, it's that time of the month.  Time to prep for the next challenge.
I don't want to spoil the fun, but I can share this.   The March 2013 Buff 'n' Tuff challenge will involve kettlebells.  I don't want to assume that everyone knows what this is, so will level-set up front.

The kettlebell is a cast-iron weight (this is the traditional kettlebell, today you find many variations) used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training.  Kettlebell exercises work multiple muscle groups at the same time.  Kettlebell exercises can be used for a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) type workout.  The combination of higher reps and the resistance of the kettlebell make for an challenging workout.

Now for the words of caution:  Please, please review the videos below.  If you have back or shoulder problems or a very weak core you might want to skip this challenge.  If you are not comfortable performing the movements, you might be better off skipping this challenge.  The kettlebell exercises can help improve your mobility, range of motion and strength, but you must perform the exercises correctly.  As with any change in your fitness or nutrition regimen, please inform your primary care practitioner. 

One of the exercises in the March challenge will be the kettlebell swing.  Now, I don't expect everyone to run out and purchase kettlebells.  You will find instructional videos that demonstrate the movements using a kettlebell, dumbbell and medicine ball.  You can even substitute a weight plate.  Again, the key to this challenge will be NOT to use too much weight and to maintain good form.  I've been using a 10 pound kettlebell as I worked through the details of the challenge.  Check your ego at the door and participate safely.  Remember, being Fit for Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Take a look at the videos below.  I am sure there are many, many out there and if you have a favorite, please feel free to share in the comments below.  We'll be kicking off the challenge on Sunday March 10.  I'll be posting videos for two more exercises this week and will then put it all together the first week of March.  

Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?  Feel free to share in the comments boxes below this post

Kettlebell Swing Pre-Challenge Instructional Videos

Image Reference:'_Blog/post/Kettlebell_Swings_Do's_Don'ts/

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