Monday, February 4, 2013

February Buff 'n' Tuff Challenge: Push-ups Plus!

Are you ready for the next challenge?  If so, read on!  Feel free to bring along friends and family.  The group is already on Facebook and the conversations have begun.  Just friend me and request and add or ask someone who is already in the challenge to add you to the page. 
Those of you who participated in the January challenge I know were able to appreciate substantial improvements over the course of the month.  Thank you for all your feedback.

This month I am going to challenge you with a superset that will work many of the major muscle groups.  The superset will include:

  • Push-ups
  • Knee to Elbow Plank
  • Mountain Climbers

You might think this looks simple, and for some of you it may be.  For many of us, this will be a challenge.  Similar to January I will start low, go slow and increase the number of reps in a 3 on: 1 off cycle.  On Tuesday I will post a calendar with the specific number of reps for each exercise in the superset.  You can print this and use it to track your progress. 

Since many of you are now push-up pros, I will make the push-up exercise a little more challenging.  The push-ups will be alternating regular and tempo push-ups. So, if the target number for the day is 5 push-ups, you would performs them this way:

  1. Regular push-up, Normal tempo
  2. Regular push-up, 2 counts down (one thousand one, one thousand two) and 2 counts up
  3. Normal tempo
  4. 2 count tempo
  5. Normal tempo

You can do these on your toes, on your knees, incline or decline. My advice is to attempt this on the flat first, please.

WELLNESS REMINDER: If you have any new or old injuries or any medical conditions for which you receive ongoing care or take medications, be certain to obtain clearance from your healthcare professional before beginning this challenge or any new exercise or nutrition program. This superset is going to work your entire body and will get your heart rate up. Try to push yourself but be mindful and listen to your body.
Need a refresher on how to perform each of these exercises?  I have provided links to some very short videos below.  Good form is key to getting maximal benefit and avoiding injury.

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