Thursday, February 14, 2013

Push-Ups Plus Challenge: Week 1 Update

Happy Valentine's Day, Challengers!

We're at the end of week 1.  Over the course of this week you have completed 45 push-ups, 45 knee to elbow planks and 225 mountain climbers.  Give yourself a pat on the back if you have kept up (or exceeded) the pace of the program.

Just a couple of tips to share before we head into week 2:
1.  Make sure your push-ups are two counts down and two counts up.  Yes, this is harder but that's the point.  We reduced the volume from last month in order to accommodate the 2 count tempo.  
2.  When doing the knee to elbow planks, spread your feet to about shoulder width.  This will provide you with a more stable base on which to rotate your knee in toward your elbow.
3.  The mountain climbers should be energetic.  I don't want to see you sissyfying this move (and yes, I can see those of you who aren't giving it your all).  Move those legs, feel the burn.  

Week two will be a little more challenging.  If you need to go to your knees to finish the push-ups, please do so, but try to complete the total number of reps for each exercise.

If you have tips to share with the other challengers or just want to cheer people on, feel free to comment below or on our Facebook Challenge Page.

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