Friday, February 8, 2013

Push-Up Plus Challenge Feb 8 - Feb 28

Are you ready to rock the February Challenge?  It's time for Push-Ups Plus!

Beginning on Friday, 2/8 this challenge will be 20 days of increasing reps of a tri-set that includes: 

  • Push-ups (two counts down, two counts up)
  • Knee to Elbow Plank
  • Mountain Climbers
You can do the push-ups on your toes or knees, but try to complete all the reps each day.  The knee to elbow plank exercises will work your upper body and your core muscles.  The tri-set will end with a cardio burst of mountain climbers.  

Every 3 days you will get a "Rest" day where you can continue to perform your normal fitness regimen but there will not be any challenge exercises.  Don't forget to document your progress over the course of all these challenges and share your challenges and successes either in the comments section below or on the Challenge page on Facebook.  

Videos of Challenge Exercises
HEALTH REMINDER: If you have any new or old injuries or any medical conditions for which you receive ongoing care or take medications, be certain to obtain clearance from your healthcare professional before beginning this challenge or any new exercise or nutrition program. This tri-set is going to work your entire body and will get your heart rate up. Try to push yourself but be mindful and listen to your body.  

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