Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hotel Gyms Around the World

I have been a loyal Marriott fan for years, but lately I have stayed at a few outstanding Hyatt's that are making me reconsider my loyalty program.  
Hyatt Regency Vancouver
Several months ago I started a board on Pinterest where I have been capturing the Fitness Facilities of the various gyms where I train.  My travels are mainly US based but now and then I have the good fortune to travel abroad.  I am NOT a photographer and all the photos are taken using my iPhone, so please excuse the graininess.

I developed a very basic scoring system to grade key aspects of the Fitness Facilities
Grading System
  1. Unacceptable/Poor
  2. Acceptable
  3. Outstanding
  • Accessibility – is the facility open 24 x 7 is my major criteria. 
  • Cleanliness – if there are no wipes to clean the equipment, this is an automatic score of 1.  Cleanliness needs to be observed in public fitness facilities.  Making it easy to do the right thing is evidence of good facility management
  • Equipment – is the equipment functional, varied and maintained
  • Nutrition – I am very basic here, if you can’t even get water, it’s a score of 1. 
Most recently, I was in British Columbia and stayed at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver.  I was impressed with the facility from the time I stepped out of the cab.  The rooms were wonderful, the bed was comfortable and the gym was great!
  • Accessibility: 3 (Guests can access the fitness center 24 x 7)
  • Cleanliness: 3 (Very clean and there were tools to clean up after yourself)
  • Equipment: 3 (Wonderful variety of machines, free weights, bands, balls, etc.  A nice gym away from home)
  • Nutrition: 2 (there was water available and some fruit but nothing special)
Why am I taking time to share this?  Hopefully, my effort will accomplish three goals:

  1. It will offer other travelers a reliable reference for the quality of the fitness facilities at hotels across the US
  2. It will motivate you to do the same and post them to my board so that the catalog grows
  3. It will really motivate those hotel chains with poor scores to take a look at their facilities and make them more acceptable and traveler-friendly. 
We talk about the obesity crisis and how we need to make people more active, but now it’s time to make the investments to better engage the community.  Hotels are such a small piece of the pie that impacts a minute portion of the population, I recognize that.  However, as I have written in the past, frequent travelers tend to be overweight, less active and have poor nutritional habits.  While having a nice gym in the hotel won’t necessarily make us go to the gym, it will make the experience much more pleasant when we do.

Do you have any hotel gym photos to share?  Feel free to grade them and post.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tips for the Wellness Warrior on the Road

Over the past two years I have returned to the life of a road warrior and in that time I have learned several tips and tricks that I would like to share with you regarding nutrition and traveling.  Eating well on the road is challenging and as a result many associates who travel regularly encounter many challenges to their health and fitness routines.  An article in the April 2011 issue of the Journal of Occupation and Environmental Medicine documented the results of a study involving a review of the medical records of more than 13,000 employees enrolled in a corporate wellness program.  The authors reported that those employees who travel for business on a regular basis (>6 days per month) had a higher body mass index (BMI), a higher rate of obesity and poorer self-reported indices of health compared to those who travel less frequently. While this is only one study of one population, those of us who travel frequently would agree that frequent travel places us at higher risk for poor compliance with healthy eating.  The takeaway message is that YOU need to take charge of being healthy while on the road.  My tips and tricks for eating healthy on the road are simple and most don’t require great effort.  
  • If you already cook your meals on the weekends you’re one step ahead.  When you know you’ll be traveling spend some time over the weekend cooking and freezing your travel meals.  Measure out portions into freezer bags or containers, label and make sure to seal them tightly. I’m a big fan of Tilapia loins (Regal Springs, Costco).  They travel well and I can cook them in large batches.
  • Pack your meals and/or snacks in your carry-on.
  • Pack small baggies of healthy food options like apple slices, almonds or walnuts, protein bars (low carb, low fat, not the candy bar masquerading as a protein bar) or protein powder (to make your own shake or pudding) Packing your snacks will keep you from paying exorbitant prices for airport food and increases the likelihood that you will make healthy choices.  I have included some links to websites with great snack ideas in the references below.
  • Try to book a hotel that has an in-room refrigerator and microwave.   If your room does not have a refrigerator feels free to ask for one in advance or at the time of check-in.  Many hotels offer them free of charge.
  • If you freeze and pack your meals, make sure to bring plates and utensils if they are not provided with your accommodations.
  • A quick trip to the local Target (or Wal-Mart) is a good option so that you have healthy snacks in your hotel room.  You can also purchase some vegetables if you have cooking facilities in your room.
  • If you are staying in a Residence Inn (one of my favorites) pick up the bag of microwave popcorn that is part of your welcome gift and take it to the front desk.  Otherwise, you may eat it in a moment of weakness. 
  • Based on the number of days for your stay, purchase your water at Target (or Wal-Mart).  It is much less expensive than buying it in the hotel.
  • If you are responsible for arranging meals while traveling, choose restaurants that offer healthy meal options.
  • If you will be out for meals, review the menu online in advance.  This will allow you to make your meal selections and make it less likely that you order impulsively once seated in the restaurant.  You can also use this time to review the caloric and macronutrient profile of the meal using MyFitnessPal.
  • Alcohol consumption may make you prone to poor meal choices.  If you are going to drink, alternate every alcoholic beverage with 8 oz of water.
  • When ordering at a restaurant, be specific regarding how you would like your meal prepared.  You can specify no butter, no oil, broiled, baked, grilled and most kitchens are willing to accommodate. 
  • Drink lots of water, especially if you are flying.
  • Don’t fret if you slip or allow yourself a treat.  Just get back onto your healthy eating plan with the next meal.
  • When you think you are hungry or about to be tempted by Cinnabon try these tricks:
    • Drink 8 oz. of water and then reassess if you still want something to eat
    • Ask yourself if eating XX will help you achieve your health, fitness & nutrition goals
  • If you purchase foods from airport shops (e.g. HMS Host) use the barcode scanner on Fooducate to provide you with a “grade” for the nutritional value of the food along with offering some potentially healthier options.
Finally, although I am writing this during National Nutrition Month, I can’t neglect to remind you to get active and stay active, even when you are on the road.  

Restaurant Options:
Snack Ideas:
Snack Ideas:
Image Credit:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 2013 Kettlebell Challenge Begins!

Today is the first day of the March Kettlebell Challenge!

I hope you were able to review the videos in the previous posts so that you could have a good understanding of the exercises that are part of this challenge.  The goal for the first day is simply to allow you to become familiar with the kettlebell swing and to review the videos, if indicated, before we progress further in the challenge.  

I've had some great comments/questions and I hope I've been able to address them.  One thing I forgot to mention.  Please DO NOT let go of your kettlebell, weight, medicine ball while it is in mid-air.  This disclaimer is for all spouse, child, pet and personal property injury that could result from this inadvertent action.  LOL!.  

Get started, have fun and be safe.  The intensity will ramp up significantly so please make sure you're comfortable with the movement and the weight before the end of week one.

Challenge Monthly Calendar:
One Arm Row:
Biceps Curl:
Kettlebell Swing:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Kettlebell Challenge Calendar


So I have been working on the details of this challenge in an attempt to define a program that is both challenging and safe.  I know many of you have not used kettlebells (or their substitute) in the past so if you haven't reviewed the videos, please check the three prior posts before beginning the challenge.  

My goals with this challenge are: 1) to introduce you to kettlebell exercises, 2) to engage multiple large muscle groups and 3) to ensure that you are getting some aerobic/anaerobic training by keeping the pace brisk but not rushed (rest intervals decrease over the course of the 21 days).  

The first day is more of a warm-up to allow you to get accustomed to doing multiple sets of the exercises.  The first block I introduce two-exercises.  You should do both for the defined number of reps, rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 sets.  Each block in the challenge will result in adding more exercises, reps and/or decreasing your  rest interval.  If you have chosen an appropriate weight and you are doing the exercises with good form, by the end of the month you should only need 5 - 8 minutes to complete the challenge so there is not a huge time requirement to participate.

Some of you may think that this is "too easy".  I'll disagree mainly because I know that this is an add for most of you to your existing fitness program.  I love the challenges and hope you learn something from them and/or get some great benefits, but I don't want you to over train.  So, I've tried to find a balance but I appreciate your comments and suggestions on how to make sure these challenges meet your needs.

I am still new to blogging so I apologize that I haven't figured out how to attach a document to my posts!  I'll post a .pdf of the screen below to the Challenge Page on Facebook (  Friend me if you haven't already been added to the group or send me your email and I can send the document.

Monday, March 4, 2013

March Kettlebell Challenge: One Arm Upright Row

This is the final of four tutorials for the March Kettlebell Challenge.  I'm sure by now you're wondering how I am going to stitch all of this together.  No worries, it will be great fun!  

I hope that during the last two months you have achieved some improvements in your upper body strength.  We've worked the pectorals (chest), triceps and deltoids (shoulders).  The kettlebell challenge will work on the core, upper and lower body.  The single arm upright row will focus on the deltoids (shoulders).  I selected the single arm approach rather than double arm for two reasons:  1) it will allow you to improve the strength on your "weaker" side and 2) the two-hand approach tends to involve more trapezius than the single arm and I want to focus on building those wonderful caps on your shoulders.

Your shoulder muscles are delicate.  Treat them with kindness and respect.  As I have suggested in the past, leave your ego at the door and train smart.  Using a 40 pound kettlebell may be possible, but do you need to go heavy to derive the benefits?  Be slow and deliberate with your movements, focus on the positive and the negative and you might find that 10 pounds feels like 40 pounds.

Single Arm Upright Row Tutorial 

Tomorrow I will post the details of the 21 day Kettlebell Challenge.  I hope you'll join us and bring some friends along for the fun.

Image Credit:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March Kettlebell Challenge: Deadlift

I love the deadlift.  The deadlift is an excellent compound movement that works all of your major muscle groups, with emphasis on the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes (gluteus maximus) and your back. One of the keys to performing deadlifts safely is good form.  There is nothing scarier than watching someone in the gym trying to deadlift heavy weights and using mainly their back muscles.  This is a recipe for injury which will plague you into old age.  I want these Challenges to be productive and injury free.  So, below are three links to videos that demonstrate how to perform the bent leg deadlift using a kettlebell, dumbbell and a medicine ball.  You can also use a weight plate and the form/technique is similar to any of the videos below.  

My usual word of caution.  If you have any pre-existing hip, knee or back injuries, please seek the advice of your physician or physical therapist before embarking on this challenge.  

Your homework is to review the three videos I have posted.  One more to follow and you will have the component exercises of the March Challenge.  Please spend a little time becoming familiar with each exercise using a light weight and find a weight where you can comfortably perform 20 reps with good form.  

Bent Leg Deadlift

How to Deadlift:
Image Credit:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Kettlebell Challenge: Kettlebell Biceps Curl

I am on the third iteration of the March Challenge which is why I am delayed in posting the exercise videos.  I have designed the challenge so that you can use ONE piece of equipment (kettlebell, dumbbell, medicine ball or weight plate) and transition between exercises easily and efficiently.  The challenge has been finding videos that clearly demonstrate good technique.  I think I am going to have to start making my own!!

The second exercise of the four in the challenge is the biceps curl.  You all know how to do this, right!  Well, just in case I have included the links to three videos below.  The biceps curls will be performed with two hands and a close-grip regardless of what weighted tool you are using.  You need to move smoothly through the full range of motion.  

As I post the remaining exercise tutorials you should assess your maximum weight for each exercise independently.  I would then recommend that the weight you choose for the challenge be the lowest weight you could move with good form during your max test.

Remember, you don't need to run out and buy new equipment for this Challenge.  I have now completed all of the challenge exercises using a kettlebell, weight plate, dumbbell and medicine ball.  My only suggestion is that the exercises will be easier if you use a medicine ball with handles.  Take a look at the video links below.  I'll be posting the next exercise tomorrow.

Biceps Curl


Advanced Kettlebell Basics:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Introducing Your New Fitness Friend: MyFitnessPal

Do you know what starts on March 1?  National Nutrition Month®!  This is an annual event sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.  The goal of this campaign is to make us more aware of the importance of knowing what we eat, making informed food choices and developing lifelong nutrition and physical activity habits that will support our efforts to be fit for life.

So, let me ask you a question.  How aware are you of what you eat every day?  Do you know how many calories per day you eat?  How many grams of protein, fat, carbohydrate or sodium?  Ok, many of you don't give a hoot about the numbers.  Bottom line is do you have a healthy nutrition plan? If not, why not?

In my opinion, you can't make meaningful assessments without the right tools. Over the years I have tried as many Fitness and Nutrition apps (Windows based and iOS) as time and money would allow, hoping to find that one app that would transform my ability to track my own health and one that my clients can use.  I found this in MyFitnessPal.

Many of you may already be familiar with MyFitnessPal.  It is a free app that runs on Window, iOS and Android platforms. It is highly mobile and incredibly user friendly.  No, I'm not sponsored by MyFitnessPal :-)  I just recognize the value of a good tool and want to encourage you to learn more about your own fitness and nutrition by using the tracking tool in MFP.  The other wonderful feature about MyFitnessPal is that once you have created your profile you can invite friends to follow you or submit requests to "friend" other MyFitnessPal users.  This will allow you to use this platform to leave encouraging messages for those you friend or to follow their diary (or have them follow yours).  You may soon feel that you have a crowd of virtual cheerleaders helping keep you motivated to get fit, eat well and develop habits that you will sustain for the long term.  MFP also integrates with a variety of activity tracking devices, has an integrated bar code scanning tool that smartphone users can leverage and lots of other "perks"!  It's 100% mobile so there is no excuse not to maintain your log, even when you're on the road.  I've created a 20 slide presentation on MFP Basics that I'm happy to share if you send me your email address.   

What's my ask with this post?  If you have never kept a nutrition and fitness journal find a new fitness friend and give MyFitnessPal a try. If you're already using MyFitnessPal or another app, let us know your thoughts in the comments below.  

Reviews of Popular Nutrition Apps:
National Nutrition Month:

Friday Fit Club

Those of you who are KC Based Cerner associates may know that I've been hosting a Friday Fit Club when I'm in KC.  It started as primarily an ITWorks initiative and we've grown to include other associates who might be interested in having fun and getting fit!   

There were a few who joined mid stream last year and were a little shocked at the intensity of the workouts (sorry, DR!!).  Based on the great feedback I received in 2012, I have modified the class.  The class is now geared to a variety of fitness levels to meet the needs of those who are just starting to those who engage in some form of fitness on a regular basis.  My goal is to offer a warm-up, workout and cool down in a 45 minute time frame.  Many of the workouts can be done at home or on the road.  And for fun, you can stick around at the end of class for our pull-up challenge.

If you're interested in joining, feel free to email me so that I can add you to the distribution list.  We meet at IC or at WHQ depending on the week.  Unfortunately, at this time, the Friday Fit Club is only open to Cerner Associates and their families.  If you might be interested in participating in a Fit Club give me a shout out below.  Who knows, you might someday soon find a Fit Club in a community center near you!!!

Image Credit:

Monday, February 25, 2013

March Challenge Prep: Kettlebell Swing

Yes, it's that time of the month.  Time to prep for the next challenge.
I don't want to spoil the fun, but I can share this.   The March 2013 Buff 'n' Tuff challenge will involve kettlebells.  I don't want to assume that everyone knows what this is, so will level-set up front.

The kettlebell is a cast-iron weight (this is the traditional kettlebell, today you find many variations) used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training.  Kettlebell exercises work multiple muscle groups at the same time.  Kettlebell exercises can be used for a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) type workout.  The combination of higher reps and the resistance of the kettlebell make for an challenging workout.

Now for the words of caution:  Please, please review the videos below.  If you have back or shoulder problems or a very weak core you might want to skip this challenge.  If you are not comfortable performing the movements, you might be better off skipping this challenge.  The kettlebell exercises can help improve your mobility, range of motion and strength, but you must perform the exercises correctly.  As with any change in your fitness or nutrition regimen, please inform your primary care practitioner. 

One of the exercises in the March challenge will be the kettlebell swing.  Now, I don't expect everyone to run out and purchase kettlebells.  You will find instructional videos that demonstrate the movements using a kettlebell, dumbbell and medicine ball.  You can even substitute a weight plate.  Again, the key to this challenge will be NOT to use too much weight and to maintain good form.  I've been using a 10 pound kettlebell as I worked through the details of the challenge.  Check your ego at the door and participate safely.  Remember, being Fit for Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Take a look at the videos below.  I am sure there are many, many out there and if you have a favorite, please feel free to share in the comments below.  We'll be kicking off the challenge on Sunday March 10.  I'll be posting videos for two more exercises this week and will then put it all together the first week of March.  

Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?  Feel free to share in the comments boxes below this post

Kettlebell Swing Pre-Challenge Instructional Videos

Image Reference:'_Blog/post/Kettlebell_Swings_Do's_Don'ts/

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Push-Ups Plus Challenge: The Final "Push"

Can you believe that February is almost over?  Well, so is the Push-Up Plus Challenge!!  Three days of Challenge exercises to go.  I've included a summary so that you can get a sense of how many reps of each exercise you have accomplished over the past month.  The last few days are tough, but hang in there, you've done great work this month.

I hope that you have enjoyed this Challenge and obtained some physical and mental benefits from your hard work.  I'd appreciate any feedback in the comments below.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Push-Ups: How much weight are you moving?

So, there is a little bit of the "geek" in me that has begun to wonder just how much weight I actually move doing push-ups?  Does it really matter?  No.  Push-ups have become one of my go-to exercises, as evidenced by our January and February Challenges.  Nonetheless, let's take a look at this, just for kicks.

Believe it or not, there have been studies designed to evaluate how much weight men and women are "moving" while doing push-ups.  A summary of some of this work, from some of the articles in the references below, indicates that:

  • When performing traditional push-ups you lift the equivalent of 55 - 71% of your body weight (numbers vary based on the reference)
  • When performing modified push-ups (performed on the knees) you are lifting between 50 - 56% of your body weight (again, the numbers are variable depending on the reference)
  • The total weight supported will vary between traditional push-ups and other variants (incline, decline and modified) and there will be slight differences between the up and the down positions.

This leads into another question that I have been asked quite a bit lately.   Are push-ups better than doing the bench press?  In my opinion, there is no correct answer to this question.  Which exercise is "best" depends on the goals you have set for your fitness and training.  Understand that there are differences in how the two work the muscles of your upper body.  In addition, given the discussion above, unless you are using a weight vest or doing push-ups with a partner who can add weight to your back (45# plate) there is an upper limit to how much you will be able to lift in a given movement.  No matter what your goal may be, variation in your fitness routine will always help you stay motivated and can positively contribute to achieving your goals.


2.  Pushup (this is a great mathematical discussion that evaluates regular push-ups and incline push-ups)
3. (a great dynamic video demonstrating form and the muscles involved in the push-up)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Push-Up Plus Challenge Week 2

Friday is a rest day.
Week 2 exercises will start on Saturday.
Oh, the mountain climbers.  50 was this time next week we will be up to 100!
Are you up to the challenge?  
See you in the gym!

Week 2: Feb 15 – Feb 21
•Friday 2/15: Rest
•Saturday 2/16: 15 push-ups, 15 knee to elbow planks, 75 mountain climbers
•Sunday 2/17: 15 push-ups, 15 knee to elbow planks, 75 mountain climbers
•Monday 2/18: 15 push-ups, 15 knee to elbow planks, 75 mountain climbers
•Tuesday 2/19: Rest
•Wednesday 2/20: 20 push-ups, 20 knee to elbow planks, 100 mountain climbers
•Thursday 2/21: 20 push-ups, 20 knee to elbow planks, 100 mountain climbers

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Push-Ups Plus Challenge: Week 1 Update

Happy Valentine's Day, Challengers!

We're at the end of week 1.  Over the course of this week you have completed 45 push-ups, 45 knee to elbow planks and 225 mountain climbers.  Give yourself a pat on the back if you have kept up (or exceeded) the pace of the program.

Just a couple of tips to share before we head into week 2:
1.  Make sure your push-ups are two counts down and two counts up.  Yes, this is harder but that's the point.  We reduced the volume from last month in order to accommodate the 2 count tempo.  
2.  When doing the knee to elbow planks, spread your feet to about shoulder width.  This will provide you with a more stable base on which to rotate your knee in toward your elbow.
3.  The mountain climbers should be energetic.  I don't want to see you sissyfying this move (and yes, I can see those of you who aren't giving it your all).  Move those legs, feel the burn.  

Week two will be a little more challenging.  If you need to go to your knees to finish the push-ups, please do so, but try to complete the total number of reps for each exercise.

If you have tips to share with the other challengers or just want to cheer people on, feel free to comment below or on our Facebook Challenge Page.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Flourless Chocolate Shakeology Cake

First disclaimer.  I am not a cook.  I like to take recipes and find ways to make them healthier.  Oh, and another disclaimer, I am not a photographer.  This cake looks much nicer than my photo depicts.  I had asked my challenge team for some suggestions re: what they were going to cook their honey on Valentine's Day.  I wanted to offer this up to the team as an option that should fit into their healthy lifestyle.  

½ cup pureed sweet potato                
3 eggs, beaten
2 packets chocolate Shakeology
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon cinnamon

Prepare Sweet Potatoes the same day or several days prior
Cook sweet potatoes in oven until soft
Puree entire potato in blender until smooth (this is why I love my Vitamix)
Portion into small containers and freeze unless you will be using to cook/eat same day
 Cooking time and prep time depends on size and number of sweet potatoes.  Use standard cooking instructions.

Cake Instructions
Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees F.  Grease an 8" round pan and dust with cocoa powder.
Beat the eggs in a bowl.  Add the vanilla and continue beating
Stir in 2 packets of chocolate Shakeology.  Mix well.
Add sweet potato puree and mix until all ingredients thoroughly moistened and no lumps.
Pour into prepared pan.
 Cook for 30 min, remove and cool for 10 minutes.
Remove from pan onto serving plate and let cool completely.
You can serve this warm or cold.  Top with fresh fruit.  You can also whip some cream and add a packet of Tropical Strawberry Shakeology and drizzle over the top for a creamy and fruity flavor.

Number of Servings: 8

Nutritional Information (MyFitnessPal): 
Shakeology Chocolate Vegan Meal Replacement Packet - Meal Replacement Shake, 2 packet
Eggland's Best - Extra Large Eggs, 3 egg
Generic - Sweet Potato Puree, 1/2 cup
Kirkland Signature - Vanilla Extract, 1 tsp (5ml)
Spices - Cinnamon, ground, 1 tsp


Per Serving: