Sunday, March 3, 2013

March Kettlebell Challenge: Deadlift

I love the deadlift.  The deadlift is an excellent compound movement that works all of your major muscle groups, with emphasis on the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes (gluteus maximus) and your back. One of the keys to performing deadlifts safely is good form.  There is nothing scarier than watching someone in the gym trying to deadlift heavy weights and using mainly their back muscles.  This is a recipe for injury which will plague you into old age.  I want these Challenges to be productive and injury free.  So, below are three links to videos that demonstrate how to perform the bent leg deadlift using a kettlebell, dumbbell and a medicine ball.  You can also use a weight plate and the form/technique is similar to any of the videos below.  

My usual word of caution.  If you have any pre-existing hip, knee or back injuries, please seek the advice of your physician or physical therapist before embarking on this challenge.  

Your homework is to review the three videos I have posted.  One more to follow and you will have the component exercises of the March Challenge.  Please spend a little time becoming familiar with each exercise using a light weight and find a weight where you can comfortably perform 20 reps with good form.  

Bent Leg Deadlift

How to Deadlift:
Image Credit:

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