Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Kettlebell Challenge Calendar


So I have been working on the details of this challenge in an attempt to define a program that is both challenging and safe.  I know many of you have not used kettlebells (or their substitute) in the past so if you haven't reviewed the videos, please check the three prior posts before beginning the challenge.  

My goals with this challenge are: 1) to introduce you to kettlebell exercises, 2) to engage multiple large muscle groups and 3) to ensure that you are getting some aerobic/anaerobic training by keeping the pace brisk but not rushed (rest intervals decrease over the course of the 21 days).  

The first day is more of a warm-up to allow you to get accustomed to doing multiple sets of the exercises.  The first block I introduce two-exercises.  You should do both for the defined number of reps, rest for 30 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 sets.  Each block in the challenge will result in adding more exercises, reps and/or decreasing your  rest interval.  If you have chosen an appropriate weight and you are doing the exercises with good form, by the end of the month you should only need 5 - 8 minutes to complete the challenge so there is not a huge time requirement to participate.

Some of you may think that this is "too easy".  I'll disagree mainly because I know that this is an add for most of you to your existing fitness program.  I love the challenges and hope you learn something from them and/or get some great benefits, but I don't want you to over train.  So, I've tried to find a balance but I appreciate your comments and suggestions on how to make sure these challenges meet your needs.

I am still new to blogging so I apologize that I haven't figured out how to attach a document to my posts!  I'll post a .pdf of the screen below to the Challenge Page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/480204625356506/).  Friend me if you haven't already been added to the group or send me your email and I can send the document.


  1. Thank you for sharing this very nice post awesome keep sharing.
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  2. It's surprising you aren't more popular given that you definitely possess the gift.
