Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Let’s Get Buff!!

When I first read the article from the Archives of Dermatology (1) which summarized the results of a study suggesting that African-American women were obese and did not exercise because of “hair” issues, I was aghast.  I wrote a long post with lots of “data” to reflect that the problem is of a much greater magnitude.  All ethnic groups are affected and the reasons why America does not exercise and is obese are multifactorial.  However, it is true that there is a disproportionate rate of obesity and associated co-morbid disease among African-American women of all ages.  There were several articles in the days that followed (2,3,4) that reviewed this article and expressed a myriad of opinions.  ‘Nuf said.  Now, I am trying to find a way to help take action.

I realized that despite the fact that I train 6 – 7 days a week, I did have “hair issues”.  I’ve made some changes this past month to which I am still adjusting, but if I want to try to be a better role model, I have to walk-the-walk.  So if you see me in the gym and I’m sporting a style that resembles Don King, you will understand why.

Action is needed, but first we have to recognize that there is a problem (5). There are so many forums, blogs and groups that have focused on many different segments of the population in their efforts to become healthy (6).  I’m just one person with limited resources but lots of heart and a real commitment to helping communicate and educate about fitness and nutrition.  So, I’d like to take a page from the “Black Girls Run” movement (7) and offer this blog as a forum to communicate and educate about how to get buff.  Over the weekend I came up with the catch phrase “Black Girls Get Buff” or BGGB.  My efforts related to BGGB will not focus solely on African-American Women.  There are many ways to describe those who might benefit:
  •         B = Black, Brainy, Beautiful, Brave….
  •         G = Gals, Guys….
  •         G = get
  • ·       B = Buff, Beautiful, Balanced….
By buff I don’t mean to imply that you have to have muscle or look like a fitness model.  Each of us has to define our body image comfort zone, but we have to focus on being healthy first and foremost. 

America, we have a problem.  Is this just another long diatribe proposing a solution that will go nowhere?  Maybe, only time will tell.  Please let me know what you think. 

  1. http://archderm.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1485354   http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/254222.php
  2. http://news.health.com/2012/12/18/hair-concerns-may-discourage-exercise-for-some-black-women/
  3. http://blackgirlsguidetoweightloss.com/black-hair/black-women-too-vain-to-work-out-and-thats-why-theyre-fat-or-something/
  4.  http://sportyafros.com/about-2/http://blackdoctor.org/14554/curvy-or-fat-is-america-in-denial/
  5. http://thegrio.com/2012/11/02/spelman-college-ends-sports-program-in-exchange-for-overall-student-wellness/
  6.  http://www.blackgirlsrun.com/


  1. Love the passion and motivation behinde this post! I will be reaching for my goal weight this year and have started by evaluating my diet and exercise habits...I am excited to see how close I can get before the year is out! :-)

    1. Best of luck to you in meeting your goals! I hope that this blog will help keep you motivated.
