Sunday, January 13, 2013

Strong is the New YOU

My thought for the day:  Strong and Sexy at Any Age

This past week I've had great conversations with the team I'm coaching around their fitness, nutrition and wellness goals.  The members of the team are men and women whose ages range from mid-20s to late 40s.  A few weeks ago I had a brief rant about some stereotypes associated with ethnicity and/or gender.  Today I'll just comment briefly on age and self-perception.  How many of you read Dara Torres' book "Age is Just a Number" (  It is a good read and provides some perspective not only on her successes, but the challenges she has faced in attaining her goals. I can remember a time when I would have thought that being 40+ was old!  I marvel at the strength I see in my 81 yo father and only hope I can be the rock he is when I reach that age.  Chronologic age is just a way to mark time and it is just a number.  Don't allow it to dictate how you feel about yourself.

Then this morning I was listening to the news and heard about the new "Fifty Shades of Grey" musical.  Watching this segment on CNN made me reflect on what it means to be "sexy".  That is a completely personal perception, but I love the new slogans and imagery around "Strong is the New Sexy".  When I say strong I am thinking mental, emotional AND physical.  

None of my comments are new or novel.  One of the benefits of being a Beachbody Coach is the opportunity for personal development.  This month I am taking my own challenge with Chalene Johnson ( and it has been a good reminder of how to set goals, priorities and to be my own coach.  So those of you who told me this week that you're too fat, too skinny, too tired, too depressed or too OLD, I challenge you to take all of those negative statement, write them down on a piece of paper and throw them away.  Now, rewrite them as positive statements.  Strength comes from within and for many of us, that takes work and we can take that journey together.  Strength of conviction and positive thoughts are key to meeting your life's goals.  Be strong.

Photo credit:,506920911

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