Monday, December 31, 2012

Are You Ready to Rock the Challenge?

The push-up Challenge begins tomorrow, January 1, 2013!

This challenge is a tough one.  I made a broad assumption that most of you can do at least 10 push-ups either standard push-ups or on your knees.  This challenge will make your chest (pecs), shoulders (delts) and triceps sore.  If you need to rest every other day please do so.  Always listen to your body.  If you have pre-existing shoulder, chest or triceps injuries please take caution (and perhaps obtain clearance from your physician) before starting this program.  

If you don't already know your max number of push-ups (regular and close hand), you might want to document that as your baseline. You can repeat a max test at the end of the month to see your improvement.

Don't feel that you have to bang out all 20 reps in one session.  You can do 10 in the morning and 10 in the evening.  You can do 5 reps between sets or your weight-training workout.  Complete 10 reps of regular push-ups and close hand push-ups either on your toes or on your knees.  Keep a log and try to meet the daily goal.  

Now, if you have too much fun with your New Year's Eve celebration, you might not be in any shape to do push-ups tomorrow :-)  Train smart!  Follow along with the group on Facebook  to keep you motivated.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year’s Resolutions: How to be part of the 8%

No, I am not making reference to any statements made during the last Presidential campaign.  The 8% refers to New Year’s Resolutions.  Today I learned that “New Year’s Resolutions” date back to the time of ancient Babylonia (1).  Really, it says so in Wikipedia!  :-)  Regardless of the origin of this practice, it is not uncommon for many of us to use this transition to make a commitment to a personal goal (or goals), projects and/or a behavioral change.  The problem is that while the data suggest that 40 – 45% of adult Americans make more than one resolution annually, only about 8% are successful in achieving their resolutions (2).  Well, you might ask given these odds, “why bother”?  The potential benefit is that individuals who explicitly make New Year’s resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who do not have explicit resolutions (2). 

The goal, then, should be to identify those strategies that improve your chances of successfully achieving your goals?  Below are some tips on how to successfully establish your resolutions/goals and how to keep them. 

Define realistic and specific goals.  Don't make the mistake of defining a very general goal and/or one that is impossible to keep. Generalities are harder to measure/track and harder to adhere to. Also, be positive in your goal statements. Don’t say “I want to achieve X” instead say “I will achieve X”. 

Define intermediate goals/milestones along the way. Define small goals to attain during the journey to your end result. This will help you track your progress. You can also develop a small reward system to keep yourself motivated. For example, a new gym outfit if you meet your goal of working out 3x per week for 3 months in a row.  Make your reward a positive motivation to continue your progress.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Simply because it is your resolution does not mean that you have to travel the road alone. You might want to join a local support group for weight loss, smoking cessation or even seek the advice of a financial counselor if your goals are related to your savings. Sometimes objective input can shed new light on your current situation.

Make your resolutions/goals public. Some of you may not be comfortable with this, but numerous studies suggest that making your goals public and having a support system improves the rate of success. This also helps develop a level of accountability that for some of us provides additional motivation during rough times. Let your family, friends or co-workers know your resolutions and ask them to help you stay on track. Start a journal. Track your progress in a blog or with an online support group.

Make a plan. I don't know how many resolutions you might make, but for those that are a priority develop a plan that is aligned with your milestones. If your goal is to lose weight, what is your plan to accomplish this? Eat all of your meals at home?  Reduce your calories (do you know what your baseline is today)? Exercise more frequently? Your success in fulfilling your New Year's resolutions will require time to develop a strategy and map out a plan to reach your goal.

Don't give up when you have a setback.  So you had that piece of pumpkin cheesecake on Friday night.   Today is a new day and one lapse is no reason to simply give up. You may have setbacks that impede your progress. That's ok. Don’t beat yourself up over small mistakes.  Learn from them and move on.

Enjoy life. The most important resolution of all and one tip that I hope will help make you successful in everything you do in 2013 and beyond.

I hope you find so of these tips helpful.  They are common sense, but sometimes seeing things in black and white is helpful.  I wish you all the best for a peaceful, happy and healthy 2013.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Push-Up Challenge Begins January 1, 2013

Are you taking the challenge?  Have you signed onto the Challenge Group Facebook page?  Log-on and have an opportunity to share with the other Challengers.  It may motivate you to meet that daily goal.  

I just want to remind any current or potential Challenger that we'll be doing 2 types of push-ups daily.  Regular and close-hand push-ups.  Close hand push ups work your triceps, shoulders and chest. They are tough!! If you have never done them before, take a look at the video attached to the link above. You can also modify this technique and do the same exercise from your knees if you are not yet able to do regular push-ups.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fitness Tools for Your 2013 Wellness Goals

There is a plethora of "fitness tools" available today that can provide you with feedback and information to help you meet your health and fitness goals.  The article below from Business Insider reviews several of the popular apps, programs and gadgets on the market.  I'm still looking forward to more reviews and maybe even my own personal trial of the Basis (  The verdict is still out and I am not certain when they will be on sale again.  Remember, there is no program, app or gadget that will meet your goals for you.  Commitment, Motivation, Perseverance....those are the keys to success.

Do you have a favorite app or gadget?  Share your experience in the comments below.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

January 2013 Push-up Challenge

Are you BuffnTuff?  Can you do 20 push-ups a day?  50 push-up a day?  More? 

The push-up is an all-purpose strength training exercise.  You don’t need any fancy equipment, just a little space on the floor and YOU.  Push-ups work our core muscles (abdominals), chest, shoulders and triceps.  It is an exercise that many of us find challenging especially when push-ups are incorporated into a tough workout.  This month, we’re going to focus on the push-up with a push-up challenge!! 

The Challenge:  1000 push-ups in a month!  Piece of cake, eh? 
The challenge will involve daily regular and close hand push-ups.  You’ll add the push-ups to your regular fitness regimen 6 days a week with one day off.  Every week the number of push-ups you’ll do daily will increase. The Challenge begins on January 1, 2013 and goes thru January 31, 2013.  Learn more by checking out the PushUp Challenge Group on Facebook. 

You should always check with your healthcare practitioner before starting any new fitness regimen.  If you have wrist or shoulder injuries this challenge may not be for you.  If you don’t have any injuries but doing push-ups hurt your wrists when your hands are directly on the floor, you can use a pair of push-up stands or hex dumbbells. These will position your wrists in a more neutral position and reduce your discomfort.


Welcome to the Buff ‘n’ Tuff Fitness Blog!

Thank you very much for taking a moment to visit my blog.  There are many, many wonderful blogs about Health and Fitness and I hope to provide you with enough interesting material to keep you coming back! 
The focus of this blog will be fitness, nutrition and wellness.  I hope that this blog will offer you or someone you know tips that will improve your everyday health and lifestyle or motivate you to take the steps necessary to begin a new journey to improve your health. 
In addition to my musings on life, I will be posting healthy recipes, exercise tips, fitness challenges and also providing you with a list of articles from other blogs that you might find interesting.
I would love for you to participate in this blog an help make it valuable to you.   Please do not hesitate to tell me what you think, post questions, post comments and suggest new topics for me to discuss.  If you find my ramblings useful please feel free to subscribe and to share this blog with others.
Again, thank you and welcome.